Sunday, March 30, 2008


I'm waiting on the towels to finish washing so I can put them in the dryer, and I've been surfing the net. Looks like LPL had a good event in Jacksonville. Trying to help coordinate a meal for a friend whose son has surgery next week. And..I'm trying to stay away from the sale at Coldwater Creek and Talbots! I stated thinking, as the years go by I have noticed that the things I used to feel were my strong points now seem to be doing me in. I would speak in confidence of how to handle certain situations, and now those words bite me right in the rear! I begin to wonder what are my strengths. Areas I used to feel comfortable leading are not so easy. Life has a way of doing that to you. It's humbling to say the least. As a control freak, I've learned that I don't need to be in control.

A couple weeks ago, I asked God for wisdom...not for myself, for my husband. I confessed to God that I didn't necessarily need to know how to handle a family situation, but instead I asked that He give insight to K. And being the wonderful Father that He is, He answered my prayer. K was right it started to come to light this weekend. And I'm so glad I didn't and don't need to be the one who "fixed" it.

Letting go is easier when we realize our confidence is in our God and not in ourselves. We may have some good ideas, but maybe not the right idea. We don't always have to have the wisdom...maybe God will give it to others in our lives, and we will be blessed as a result. And humbled...

The washer's beeping...towels are ready for the dryer...and I'm about ready for bed.


Susan B.

1 comment:

About Nancy said...

How wonderful to hear you interceded on behalf of your husband. Since God knows what we need better than we know ourselves, we can only succeed when we turn things over to Him.

You are a Proverbs 31 woman. Good job!
In Him,