Monday, November 10, 2008

Different Directions

It's Monday, and my mind is full of random thoughts all heading in different directions. That's the way Mondays seem to be as I try to refocus my mind on work and not home projects. So here's a glimpse into the mind of an aging blond! :)

Can you believe it's 2 1/2 weeks until Thanksgiving?!!! Part of my family is coming to my house, which needs to be dusted and organized...not to mention the cooking. But I do love to have family at Thanksgiving. I say part because my Mom & Dad are divorced and remarried. It's tough to try to fit in three families in one weekend. But my dad and step mom travel many times because that's also their anniversary weekend. I haven't figured out the in-laws yet. My sister-in-law who usually hosts it, is recuperating from not sure what will be up there!

Sending prayers up for D who has a H U G E test today that he's not really prepared for. Why must we learn some of our greatest lessons from our mistakes? Prayers the test won't be as bad as he thinks it will be...but also for a lesson well-learned even if it is the hard way.

My mind is also on Christmas - gifts, schedule (will Daddy travel away from home again this Christmas?), vacation, gifts, meal, tree, gifts, decorations, parties, gifts, day after Thanksgiving shopping. The real meaning of Christmas gets lost in all of this, doesn't it? Maybe it's time to bring in my Christmas CDs. There are years I start listening early!

Supper tonight...supper tomorrow...friends I miss...Bible studies to finish...Bible studies to start...retreats to plan...burnout with youth committee...mother and step-mother birthdays...spending too much....not saving enough...feeling less than...

So there it is - a mind going in umpteen different directions. Need to refocus on the One who can energize me.

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope." (Psalm 130:5)

Waiting and hoping....

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