Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Epiphany!

January 6 - Epiphany 2009...
...Thoughts rolling through my mind

I moved the "wise men" to the manger scene this morning. Time to put up the baby food jar Christmas tree for another year. I'm really surprised my aunt has not called to wish me a happy Epiphany. My prayer this morning was for God's light to shine in my life...and that I don't have blinders on, but see it!

Who goes to these horror movies? (just saw a commercial for Unborn - YUK) Is there anything good on TV anymore? What happened to Chuck this week? I've seen House...guess I'll try Biggest Loser.

Went to 10th grade (rising 11th grade) curriculum night where they gave parents PSAT and ACT scores, career counseling info, college requirements, websites, scholarship information, high school graduation requirement...I believe my brain is fried! It didn't seem this difficult when I was in school. But that was a looooooong time ago!

Sorry this is such a random post. I have been so hyper the last two days - must be hormones (and a tad of caffeine)! I haven't been able to go to sleep right away, so I think I'm about to hit the wall tonight. Maybe that will mean a good night's sleep.

Not only am I getting tired...but my battery is getting low. Better go.

Peace out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Epiphany to you too. I did not realize Tues was Epiphany. I had an epiphany I will tell you about it Thurs. night. I hope it was an epiphany and not something I myself had misinterpretted.

love ya,
