Thursday, August 18, 2011

Working at it!

If you read Priscilla Shirer's Blog then you know that she's talking about the Revolution Resolution Project. Last Friday she focused on Resolution #10: I will be faithful to my husband and honor him in my conduct and conversation, in order to bring glory to the name of the Lord. I will aspire to be a suitable partner for him to help him reach his God-given potential. She asked us to honor our husbands by not challenging them for anything they said for 24 hours. Needless to say, this was a tough challenge. So much so, that she extended the deadline because there were so few "takers."

I'm not only trying to do this with my husband, but with my 18-year-old, college-bound, son. He needs to learn independence...I need to learn to let go. One good way to practice this is to watch what I say - especially in trying to tell him what to do and how to do it. I know in my heart I'm just trying to help him be prepared. But, unfortunately, we learn more from our mistakes than our successes. So...I need to let him do things his way.

Ladies, why is this so difficult for us. To let the men in our life lead? In fact, I have trouble with this in EVERY ASPECT of my life. I think I have good ideas, and everyone needs to hear them - at work, at church, at home! I guess it all started in the Garden of Eden with Eve giving Adam some dietary advice, and we've been going with it ever since! :)

You know what I've found since I started this challenge? That when I am successful at watching what I say, things roll smoother. Life really does move on - without my advice...and pretty well, I might add. I'm not saying we shouldn't ever say anything, I'm just saying maybe we can learn the right times to speak and the right time to stay quiet...pick our battles...don't be so quick to get on our soapbox...let our children make some mistakes and learn and grow...let go when the time is right. I'm afraid it will always be a challenge for me...but one I want to take on!

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