Thursday, November 20, 2008

What If?

For those of you whose churches follow a liturgical calendar, the first Sunday in Advent begins on November 30. Being Lutheran we are HIGHLY liturgical. The thing about Advent is the call to anticipate the coming of the Christ child. We don't rush into singing Christmas hymns instead we look back at the events that led to Christ coming as a child and look forward to Christ's second coming. It is totally against our world culture. For heaven's sake - it's against my culture. I will have my Christmas music out next week and will long to sing the wonderful Christmas hymns that come and go too fast.

But what if...our Advent season became something different? My pastor sent me a head's up about this video out on You Tube. Check it out. I like the idea. What if...we really did slow down, spend less, give more of ourselves and develop those relationships with God and with others? I'm intrigued. Maybe together we can become part of the Advent Conspiracy in some small way. What if gradually, we changed our mindset and our habits? What if we became more Christ-like? What if?

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